
The Top 5 Uses For Laser Pointers and Portable Lasers-TradeTang

One of the most common questions people will ask you if you own a laser pointer or a portable laser is "what do you use it for?". The more expensive your laser is, the more likely and incredulously they are to ask you this question.

This question is really annoying to laser owners so to avoid getting on the wrong side of an aggravated laser wielding geek or hobbyist, you can read below the 5 top uses for laser pointers and portable lasers.

wholesale Laser Pointers from TradeTang

Lasers vary in size, power, color, functionality and cost but their uses are very consistent.

1 – Fun

No matter what excuses or glorified reasons a person gives you for using their deluxe $500 laser pointer, the honest truth is that top reason for using it will be fun. Fun melting credit cards, putting holes in their and other peoples clothing, fun lighting cigarettes, fun impressing their friends and fun in many other forms. Lets face it, what is not fun about a laser that can light matches and project a beam that goes for miles?!

Using lasers for fun is not just restricted to the young. Many professionals and retirees spend big on high power lasers that despite their profuse excuses, are only just for fun. The main difference is young kids understand how lasers work, their limitations and what can and cannot do with lasers. Where as the older crowd end up getting themselves into all manner of strife.

2 - Pointing at things

Using laser pointers to point at things might seem like stating the obvious but most lasers now are not used for normal pointing because they are too powerful and dangerous.Those high power laser pointer. The lower powered lasers (5-10mW or less) are still used for presentations, classes, and meetings. Higher powered lasers are also used by professionals such as engineers on building sites, surveyors and arborist.

3 – Astronomy

Laser pointers are great for astronomy because they allow a completely clueless person to point a laser at the night sky and look like they know what they are doing. They also make you indispensable to your local astronomy group. It is very easy to tell the difference between some one who uses a laser for astronomy and some one uses astronomy as an excuse to play with their laser. The astronomer will have a laser with around 30 to 40mW power at the most not a 200mW plus finger of death laser that can start fires.

4 – Experiments

No matter whether you are just lining up a few mirrors, testing wave propagation theories or the refractive index of glass samples, lasers are great for experiments. This is one of the best excuses for convincing parents to pay for or allow them children to have lasers such as green laser pointer.

5 - Laser Shows

There is just something so compelling and fascinating about laser beams the makes laser shows such an attraction. Many laser enthusiasts once they move on from the burning phase, start making laser shows. Laser shows can vary anywhere from pointing a couple of lasers at a diffraction grating and feeling very impressed with your self to elaborate gigs using thousands of dollars in laser modules, optics, controllers and electronics.

